Application Security Control


ASC (Application Security Control)

  1. 1. Abstract
  2. 2. Architecture
    1. 2.1 Back-end component
    2. 2.2 Front-end component
  3. 3. Data modeling
  4. 4. Usecase
  5. 5. Project progress & outcome
  6. 6. Bibliography
  1. Teodor Proca
  2. Andra Gistescu

1. Abstract

ASC (Application Security Control) is a web platform able to offer real-time alerts about new security issues for a specific class of software like CMS, frameworks, modules, shopping cart managers, etc.

We wish to develop a smart platform which will be able to provide an innovative mean to find the most dangerous vulnerabilities on the web, in order to be up to date with the latest fixes and patches. Our secondary goal is to facilitate the process through which our users can learn how to prevent an eventual attack, how to determine if they are scammed and how to fix a possible vulnerability. All of the provided functionalities are presented in a user-friendly maner through a web interface, offering a powerful tool not only for experienced developers but also for rookies.

The code can be accessed here.

2. Architecture

In the first section we briefly described the main goals of the application. The architecture has two main components: a front-end part, for the client interaction, built over Angular framework and a back-end component implemented in NodeJs, designed following a few well known paradigms and hosted by using various resources provided by the AWS Cloud Platform. These two components will communicate over the HTTP protocol, using the JSON and its extension JSON-LD as the established data exchange format. The client will build JSON requests to send requests toward the backend component, while the received responses will be in the JSON-LD format. In the frontend implementation, we'll have a module for JSON-LD to HTML+RDFa, in order to have semantic data encoded right in our single page application.

The web services conglomerate provides a variety of functionalities, such as getting a list containg the latest vulnerabilities, finding the most suitable fix or patch for a certain vulnerability and real-time notifications about new vulnerabilities found and an endpoint via SPARQL to provide various solution to prevent and/or eradicate such security incidents. More details about each component's particular behaviour can be seen in the corresponding sections from below.

architecture ASC Architecture

2.1 Back-end Component

The Back-end Component Architecture is built over 'REST' paradigm.

REST or REpresentational State Transfer, is an architectural manner for providing standards between computer systems on the web, making it easier for systems to communicate with each other. REST-compliant systems, often called RESTful systems, are characterized by how they are stateless and separate the concerns of client and server.

This module is composed of the following components:

To summarize, the API offers the main functionalities and by being the core element of our architecture, it provides a unique point of access for the web client. The API communicates with data sources represented as ontologies for vulnerabilities. The query language for accessing the datasources is SparQL and the communication contract established between the client and the services provider is a mix between JSON (used for request) and JSON-LD (sent through responses).

2.2 Front-end Component

The user interface will be created using the Angular framework combined with Material Design, which is ideal for building single-page applications. Angular Material is an implementation of Google's Material Design Specification (2014-2017). The web interface will be hosted in Netlify, in order to communicate easily with the other components of the project. The data which is used to populate the web page in specific context is received either in the JSON format or its extension JSON-LD. For the latter, we'll use a parser to transform it in HTML+RDFa format, which will be loaded into the page using custom built Angular directives.

3. Data modeling

models ASC Models

The main storage solution used for the above presented graph is MongoDB. Each entity is described in the tables below.


Property Type Description
id uuid The user id
name string The name of the user
email string The email of the user
password string The password of the user
username string The username of the user


Property Type Description
id uuid The vulnerability id
description string The description of the vulnerability
type string The type of the vulnerability
platform string The platform of the vulnerability
author string The author of the vulnerability
published_at date The publish date of the vulnerability

4. Usecase

In the below diagram we can see the main flows that an user can explore while using the application. The use case routes are color coded to emphasize the different ways in which a user can interact with our application. Red corresponds to the authentication step and blue corresponds to getting the vulnerabilities feed flow.

usecase ASC Usecase

5. Project progress & outcome

The final version of the Application Security Control application can be accessed at the following link

For the users who want to use our application, the user guide is available at the following link:


Regarding the initial proposed architecture, there were some updates regarding the way users authenticate into the application and the technology used for the Pub/Sub system, the storage and exposure of the data through the SPARQL endpoint. The updated design of architecture can be seen in the following image: architecture ASC Architecture

First of all, in order to access our application, the user can either register with some simple credentials or he can login with their Google account, using the OAuth2 support provided by the remix-auth-google package.

Ably is used as the Pub/Sub system and provides feature-rich realtime messaging. It offers real-time alerts about new security issues in the form of browser notifications.

MongoDB was replaced with MySQL due to its default contraints (field dimension) and better indexing mechanism.

We decided to replace Angular Material with React Material to make the integration with Remix easier and with the purpose of experimenting more with the newest trends in frontend development.

Finally, the fixes for the vulnerabilities will be stored in GraphDB and interogated by using SPARQL. GraphDB is a semantic graph database that provides the core infrastructure for solutions where modelling agility, data integration and relationship exploration are important.

Functionality Implementation

Sign up + Sign in + Login with Google

Given the fact that our application is single-page, React Material was used in order to implement the user interface. The web interface is hosted on Heroku. authentication-use-case Authentication use case In the figure below, we can see the Sign In page, which will be the first page when an user joins the application. The user has two options for authentication in the application: login with an account created in our application or log in with their Google account. For the authentication with Google, the remix-auth-google package was used. It extends the OAuth2 support to access the Google APIs and must have authorization credentials that identify the application to Google's OAuth 2.0 server. In case the user does not have an account, nor a Google account or prefers not to, there is the possibility to register to our application by providing some basic credentials like name, email and password (see the second picture below). Once the user authentication is successful, a user token is generated for the current session. sign-up Register View sign-in Login View


Redis was used in order to cache the requested data about the vulnerabilities and their fixes. Everytime the Vulnerabilities or Reports pages are refreshed, the data is received from the cache unless new data is added in real time by our mocking job in which case the cache is invalidated and will be recreated with the next request. This mechanism minimizes the waiting time for the user.


vulnerabilities-use-case Vulnerabilities use case

Using Web Application Exploits public dataset regarding the exploits on Web application vulnerabilities, several vulnerabilities were imported into the MySQL database. That being said, in the below figure the Vulnerabilities page can be seen. The vulnerabilities are structured in the form of a table with the following columns: id, description, type, platform, published, verified, port and risk. More details about these attributes can be found in the Data modeling section.

Several filtering options are supported by our application. First of all, there is the search input that looks for all the vulnerabilities that contain the specified keywords. A more advanced filtering mechanism is provided at the table level: filter by column with different operators options (e.g. contains, equals), sorting. sign-up Vulnerabilites - Filtering Options sign-up Vulnerabilites - Filtering Options sign-up Vulnerabilites - Filtering Options

In order to build a publish/subscribe system able to offer real-time alerts about new security issues we used Notification API for showing the alerts and Ably as the Pub/Sub messaging system. To test the realtime functionality, we built a mock server that publishes new vulnerabilities to our database. This is done through a job script which is responsible for creating the publishing channel and pushing the new vulnerabilities. On the client side, the subscription happens to the same channel, listens for the received messages and creates the notifications.

sign-up Vulnerabilites - Notifications

Moreover, by clicking on a vulnerability we can identify possible fixes and related links about the vulnerability in cause. The returned fixes must match either the platform of the vulnerability, either its content contains keywords from the vulnerability's description.

sign-up Reports related to the filtered vulnerability


reports-use-case Reports use case

GraphDB was used to store the RDF data for the vulnerability fixes and it is queried from the SparQL Query Runner Endpoint. The fixes were defined to contain the following attributes: id, body, url, genre, section and a list of related keywords.

The query performed for retrieving the vulnerability fixes is the following:

        PREFIX report: 
        PREFIX rdf: 
        PREFIX owl: 

        SELECT *
        WHERE {
            ?report rdf:type report:Report ;
                    report:identifier ?id;
                    report:articleBody ?articleBody;
                    report:articleSection ?articleSection ;
                    report:url ?url ;
                    report:genre ?genre ;
                    report:keywords ?keywords .

The returned data is in the Json-LD format, application/ld+json format to be more specific. Afterwards, the fixes information is available in multiple formats: HTM with RDFa and Json-LD enhancement. Below you can find samples of how this was achieved:

<Grid container spacing={2} vocab=""> { => ( <Grid key={} item md={6} xs={12}> <script type="application/ld+json"> {` { "@type"": "${report["@type"]}", "id"": ${}, "articleBody": "${report.articleBody}", "articleSection": "${report.articleSection}", "url": "${report.url}", "genre": "${report.genre}", "keywords": "${report.keywords}" } `} </script> </Grid> ))} </Grid>

For the RDFa we used the vocabulary and the properties from the definition of a Software Application (e.g genre, url, keywords). Most of the provided technical reports and defensive programming guidelines are around SQL injection and OWASP Top 10 Security Vulnerabilities.

sign-up Reports

Data modeling

models ASC Models

The main storage solution used for the above presented graph is MySQL and GraphDB, Redis being used for the caching part. Each entity is described in the tables below.

The knowledge base of the application can be represented by the following three onthologies: User, Properties and Report, by using owl classes, object properties and data properties. Each entity is described below:


Property Type Description
User owl:Class User entity definition
id owl:topDataProperty Unique identifier of the user (uuid)
name owl:topDataProperty The name of the user
email owl:topDataProperty The email of the user
password owl:topDataProperty The password of the user


Property Type Description
Vulnerability owl:Class Vulnerability entity definition
id owl:topDataProperty Unique identifier of the vulnerability (uuid)
description owl:topDataProperty The description of the vulnerability
type owl:topDataProperty The type of the vulnerability
published owl:topDataProperty The publish date of the vulnerability
verified owl:ObjectProperty Boolean property atesting if the vulnerability was confirmed
platform owl:topDataProperty The platform on which the vulnerability occurs
port owl:topDataProperty The default port on which the vulnerability occurs (depends on the platform)
risk owl:topDataProperty The severity score of the vulnerability


Property Type Description
Report owl:Class Report entity definition
id owl:topDataProperty Unique identifier of the report (uuid)
body owl:topDataProperty The description of the vulnerability
genre owl:topDataProperty The title/type of the report
section owl:topDataProperty The platform related to the report
url owl:topDataProperty The url used for redirecting the user to the full version of a report
keywords owl:topDataProperty Keywords related to the report

API Specification

Authentication Endpoints

There are 3 Authentication endpoints:

  1. /register - exposes a POST method which is responsible with creating an user via the provided credentials: name, email and password.
  2. /login - exposes a POST method which associates a sessionKey with the logged user an verifies that the password matches the one in our database.
  3. /auth/google - exposes a POST method which is responsible for the login with the Google account.
When the user exits the application, their session is cleared due to the Authenticator's destroy method and the user is redirected back to login.

Vulnerabilities endpoint

The vulnerabilities endpoint is a GET method that returns all the vulnerabilities imported from the Exploit Database and used to populate the table from the first page.

Reports endpoint

The reports endpoint, /fixes, is a GET method that retrieves all the vulnerability related resources from GraphDB in Json-LD format. The interogation is performed using a SparQL query.

6. Conclusions

To sum up, the current solution can be a valuable application for any security orieted developer as it offers the possibility to centralize multiple vulnerabilities, advanced filtering, realtime notifications to be aware ahead of time about new security issues and suggests technical reports and defensive programming guidelines related to the vulnerabilities in cause. Application Security Control provides an intuitive user interface, allowing the user to experiment with all its functionalities.

7. References

  1. REST -
  2. Proxy -
  3. Redis -
  4. API -
  5. Mongo DB -
  6. MySQL -
  7. SparQL Query Runner Endpoint -
  8. React Material -
  9. Remix -
  10. Heroku -
  11. OAuth2 -
  12. Ably -
  13. GraphDB -
  14. Exploit Database -
  15. Software Application -
  16. Notification API -
  17. OWASP Top 10 -